Is your left/ right AirPod not working? If so, this can be an extremely frustrating situation.
Luckily, there are some simples fixes that you can try to resolve this glitch and start listening to your favourite tunes again.
These fixes will also work for both AirPods generation 1 and 2.
Lets begin!
Left/ Right AirPod Not Working – How To Fix (7 TIPS)
1. Make Sure AirPods Are Charged
Ok, so I know this is a super obvious solution, but I have found that if the power gets low in the AirPods (below the 15% mark), either the left or right AirPod can drop in and out.
To remedy this, put both your AirPods back into the case for them to regain charge. Also ensure that the case has got sufficient charge.
Now we have the most obvious fix out of the way, lets move on!
2. Pair AirPods Again… And Again
This was actually the fix that worked for me when my right AirPod stopped working. This method also seems to have great success with other AidPod users as well.
What you’ll want todo is pair the AirPods with your Apple device again, and if it is still not working, then try again. There have been reports that doing this 3-4 times does the trick.
To begin, firstly disconnect your AirPods by going into Settings > Bluetooth > Click on the ℹ️ icon > Forget this device. From there, open up your AirPods and tab “Connect” on iPhone/ iPad once the popup appears.
For an extension of this fix, follow the disconnect AirPods step above for the iPhone/ iPad/ Apple Watch. But when reconnecting AirPods to device, press and hold the Bluetooth button on the back of the AirPods case until the light flashes amber 2-3 times.
If done successfully, the light should then appear white which should fix this issue.
3. Clean AirPod Connectors and Case
Another issue that causes either the left/ right AirPod from not working is when they are not receiving sufficient charge. This can be due to the AirPod being dirty on the silver connectors located on the bottom or within the charging case.
To clean both items, you can simply wipe the silver connectors on a piece of material to wipe off any oils, dirt or dust. For the AirPod case, a q-tip works almost perfectly to reach the bottom of the case where the AirPods connected.
Alternatively, if you don’t have any q-tips on hand, you can try and dislodge any fluff or lint by doing a fierce blow.
4. Press Home Button For 60 Seconds
For an added fix, there have been several reports that pressing and holding the button on the back of the AirPod case can regain connection to either the left or right AirPod.
I have found the pressing the button for at least 60 seconds works beast. Another thing to look out for is for the amber light to flash 3 times until the light goes white.
5. Put AirPods In Case For 1 Minute Then Try Again
While this is a super simple fix, it has actually had some great success for AirPod users. Simply insert your AirPods back into the case and let it sit for 1 minute.
This is done as sometimes the bluetooth signal can sometimes become glitchy as the iPhone/ iPad/ Apple Watch thinks that only 1 AirPod is in the ear, which can result in only the right or left AirPod working.
6. Restart Your iPhone Or Apple Device
If nothing is working at this point, it is always a good idea to restart your iPhone or Apple device as the device itself may be causing the problem.
To restart your iPhone 8 and below, you can press onto the power button and the home button simultaneously until the Apple logo appears.
For the iPhone X and above, you can restart by pressing the volume down button for 1 second, press the volume up button for 1 second, then press the power button till the Apple logo appears.
This should hopefully remove any temporary glitches that your device may have encountered.
7. Visit The Genius Bar
If none of these fixes work, it may be worth visiting and Apple store as there may be an internal problem that can’t be seen. It also may be worth mentioning if they are under warranty as they are relatively new products.
Hopefully one of these solutions has resolved the the left/ right AirPod not working issue. If is has, please comment down below what worked for you as it will help many other users. Also, if you have come up with your own fix, please also share as I will be including it in upcoming updates.
sohku says
thankyou for the tips worked for me i reset it couple of times and 4 times connected again and again 🙂
Navin says
Thanks for this! The tips worked! I reset my phone once and then cleaned out the case with a q-tip and it worked!
lolita madrid says
thanks for your help but try many times the right earpods definetely not work
PIntu kumar says
thanks for your help but try many times the right earpod definetely not charging
Agyemang Kwame Pinsan says
I have done it countless times but couldn’t fix