No Sound or Speaker on Windows 10, 8 or 8.1 How to Fix
Just with any software of device you will be surely run into volume, speaker or sound issues and one point of another. Below are some easy to follow steps that have been proven to fix and resolve the sound issues on Windows 8 or 8.1. These steps apply to PC’s, Laptops and Netbooks. Most of these steps are Windows specific but if you continue to have issues it is recommended searching for threads related to your hardware. Some problems you may be coming across is that the volume bar is turned up but still no sound.
[adinserter block=”1″]Step 1, No Sound on Windows 8 or 10
A very successful way to fixing this issue is by going into services. If your running Windows 8 you will have to drag your mouse to the bottom left hand corner till a little dialogue box pops up. From there you will have to right click to open up the manager. If running Windows 8.1 you can just click on the Window icon located on the bottom left corner. One you have done that you want to go into Computer Management > Computer Services > Services. Once opened there will be a list of services running in the background, scroll down to Windows Audio.
Double click on the Windows Audio service, once opened there be option to stop or restart. It is recommend to restart the service.
Step 2, No Sound on Windows 8 or 10
Firstly check to insure that the sound isn’t on mute, sometimes the mute button can accidentally be hit. You can check this but hitting F11 or with some devices F11 + Function or CTRL key.
[adinserter block=”1″]Step 3, No Sound on Windows 8 or 10
By hovering your mouse over the task bar located on the bottom of you screen, double click on the sound icon. If the mute check box is checked, uncheck this. If this is not the problem you can go into advanced settings while still in the task bar and adjust all the sliders.
Hopefully some of these solutions have helped to regain sound and volume on you Windows operating system. if you have any other solutions that have worked for you please share below as they all help 😀
adam says
still no sound i have installed new os and still nothing ive installed all the right drivers for compatibility with my windows 8.1 64bit system and nothing. it shows there is a audio device pluged in it shows signal in eq i have tryed multiple headphones and diffrent jacks even through hdmi. i cannot figure this out.
gigabite z170-hdp3
intel i5 6600k 3.5ghz
ripjas ddr4 2x8g
no video card on board amd softwhere.
do you think this could be Motherboard problem?
vangnoutouthang says
thankkss !!! bro and keep it up
Avika says
It is the very nice and amazing post.